Our call to action

Can you help our product pilot?

Founder, EquAIty

1/6/2022 2 min read

Ultimately this product will be automated software. But building the software is the easiest part (even if it's not by any means 'easy'!)

Determining the rules of how the product should work is the hardest part... The types of people we want our users to be... The types of information we want them to tell us... The types of insights our recruiters and employers want us to give to them for maximum hireability... The way we'll present all of that information, at what point in the process, and the experience each person has. There are literally billions of combinations of all of the above - and if we covered absolutely everything, we'd have an unusable product.

So we are intentionally running this product manually to begin with, so that we can learn the best way to approach each of the things above. And we are intentionally taking our time whilst doing this, because it's SO important that we get it right. We'll only begin building software once we know we've achieved product-market fit. (Eric Ries will be semi-proud, at least!)

So, we are looking for two things:


Individuals with Disadvantage, or institutions that work with those individuals

We want to work with individuals to discuss what kind of new job they're looking for, and what kind of disadvantages might have been holding them back - no matter how small they feel.

man sitting near gray steel roller shutters during daytime


Recruiters or Hiring Managers who are looking for more DE&I candidates

We want to work with DE&I-aware hiring teams to identify job openings that could really benefit from the kinds of Reactive and Proactive skills* we'll identify in our candidates.

woman in blue long sleeve shirt using silver macbook

*If you aren't familiar with Reactive and Proactive skills, read our "Exploring Disadvantage and Employability" blog post for more info: